Saturday, April 4, 2020

How Does Truman Tutoring Work?

How Does Truman Tutoring Work?Truman Tutoring offers a variety of academic programs, from early childhood education through the high school level. Most of the services offered by the company include tutoring for special needs students, including English as a Second Language, reading for children with autism, learning to use a computer, math for students who have trouble doing arithmetic, and remedial English. A few other services include a tutor for special needs students, some through online tutoring and others, in person with their professional guide, student.Many of the tutors in the program are working professionals or are working with young adult students as part of their job. Some also work in the home, such as being a personal teacher for special needs students. The programs that are offered at the institution are varied. Programs for students in kindergarten through high school can range from algebra through reading.The nutrition and health class is one that helps with food c hoices, healthy eating practices, and grocery shopping. This class also provides the best opportunities for students to learn about proper nutrition and healthy eating.One of the most commonly asked questions is, what does a student have to do before he can take a class? Students must first complete an application process, and many of them will need recommendations from their teachers, parents, and other students who have taken the same class. With the right guide, they will know what is expected of them and how much information is needed to fill out the application.Most teachers who teach the classes are super busy, and work closely with each student, teaching the class in a few hours and communicating with students over the phone or email. Most of the time, they will have a tutor or assistant available to help students with multiple parts of the curriculum, so that they can work on all subjects at the same time. Teachers must also have a workable plan in place and be able to set t heir own schedule and maintain discipline for the class. In addition, a good guide will be willing to work with the teacher and student to try to make the class more enjoyable and successful.When a student has completed the course and received his certificate, the student will be allowed to sit for the State Examinations. This is a test that is given by the State of Texas for students of all ages. All students need to pass this test in order to graduate from high school and attend college. This type of standardized test is given at the end of each high school or middle school class.The program at the institution is designed to prepare the student for college, so that they do not have to take the traditional college entrance exam. Instead, it provides for a more personalized education and allows students to excel at their chosen course and have a very successful academic career.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Want to Get Ahead at Work You Need to Be Visible - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Want to Get Ahead at Work You Need to Be Visible - Introvert Whisperer Want to Get Ahead at Work? You Need to Be Visible If you have even the smallest amount of ambition for your career, visibility to the decision-makers is critical. We hear about visibility, but we don’t always understand it or think it’s in our control. Let’s look at it and why it’s important to your career: Visibility Goes Two Ways Never thought of that before, did you? It’s important for key decision-makers to have exposure to or contact with you. It’s part of their decision-making. If management or your customers understand what you contribute and how well you do it, they’re more apt to think of you for things like promotions and opportunities. It’s important for you to see what’s going on with them, which is why visibility is really two-way. If you can see what your decision-makers are focusing on and what’s important to them, you’re positioned to respond to it better. It’s a classic business proposition. If you aren’t supplying what your customer wants (in this case, upper management or customers), then you won’t be the one they select for anything. Stark but true. Here are some tips for the kind of visibility you want to get: 1. Don’t Be In Awe Oftentimes, we allow ourselves to get intimidated by those ranked above us. You have to understand that they’re people, too, and they’re working for a living. That means they also want to be successful in their jobs. Certainly, you want to be respectful of their time, but don’t steer clear of them, thinking what you do is unimportant. If it were unimportant, they would never have hired you. 2. Pay Attention and Ask Questions The most prized people (and therefore employees) of all are the ones who show an interest. Interest starts by being curious and involved with the goals of the other person. If you feel like you can’t form good questions, pay attention to what they pay attention to and ask your boss for more insight. Share important things you do that they might find interesting. Not everything you do falls into this category, which means the previous tip is vital in figuring out what to share. 3. Pick the Right Time You don’t necessarily have to schedule time for your share. You can share in group meetings, hallway or for an unplanned office drop-in. Look for opportunities. 4. Share The Right Amount One thing Introverts have to watch out for is sharing too much information. We usually house a ton of good stuff in our heads. When you share with upper management, they can typically only handle the top-level input on a topic. I call this the “scratch and sniff” of information sharing. Short and to the point is what will win the heart of an executive. Visibility is part of what you create when you’re self-promoting. Self-promotion is important for ongoing career growth. If not YOU, then who? (Click here to tweet this thought.) What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to building your own visibility? Share your thoughts in the comments! Image: Flickr Go to top Let me emphasize that Self-Promotion doesn’t have to be obnoxious to be effective.  But, if you don’t Self-Promote you, who will? If you ever want to get ahead, you have to learn how to Self-Promote. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that shows you simple, yet effective ways to Self-Promote. Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Friday, March 6, 2020

Boxing Lessons Cardiff

Boxing Lessons Cardiff Where to Take Boxing Lessons in Cardiff ChaptersWomen’s Boxing LessonsBoxing Lessons for KidsCardiff University Amateur Boxing ClubWhite-Collar BoxingNothing but Boxing, PleaseBoxing and the capital city of Wales have enjoyed a long, mutually beneficial relationship.A few of her native sons have established boxing records that remain unbroken to this day. In turn, the sport has ‘repaid’ the city by holding several high-profile fights there, helping to put the spotlight on Cardiffians’ abiding love of the sport.Are you among those numbers?Did you perhaps catch Joe Calzaghe’s last event and, since then, have been on fire with the need to box? Or do you want to box your way to fitness?  That is entirely possible, you know...Whatever your reason for seeking boxing lessons, your Superprof outlines some of the best boxing classes in Cardiff.During these intensive sessions, you would cycle your body through cardio workouts and conditioning routines, followed by stretches to cool down.Bring protein bars and plenty of wat er... you’re going to need them!Now that you’ve tested your endurance in boot camp, you and your boxing coach know where you stand from a fitness perspective. You may choose either their 6-day body makeover for fast results, or their two-week transformation plan.Find out if there is a similar personal training programme in Manchester...While both plans are effective, if you’re into fitness for the long haul, perhaps it would be better to choose the longer programme.To get things started off right, you would receive a nutrition plan and exercise schedule, along with advice on what to do and not do to reach your goals.Getting and staying fit is a lifestyle, not something you can accomplish by putting on boxing gloves and sparring a couple of times a week.If you are already there â€" you’re reasonably fit and/or have made all of the lifestyle changes and you’re ready to box, you could work with a boxing coach one to one or drop in on their kickboxing classes.They have a kickb oxing class for kids, too!If your child is filled with restless energy this summer, you might take them to the gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays so they can get their boxing on!You only need to check their schedule for class times, and then head on over to Dragonfit on Curran Road.Discover also where in Belfast you can find boxing lessons...Boxing Lessons for KidsIt is hard to keep kids active during their summer break from school; lying around like a slugabed and playing video games seem to be their focus.It doesn’t have to be.Enrolling your youngsters in a boxing class over the summer would help them keep optimal physical conditioning (or get them there), give them something productive to focus on and help build self-discipline.At UFC Gym, your child will get a workout that includes cardio exercises, callisthenics and core strengthening.Once properly warmed up, they will start learning boxing techniques:jabs, crosses, hooks and uppercuts: different types of punchesmovement: besides the punches, the steps and positions that reflect the fighter’s rhythmstance: the proper body positions to maximise power and minimise impact on oneselfguarding and blocking: protecting oneself from hits and deflecting blowsMuch of the rhythm needed to succeed at boxing is learned by working the bags; in these youth classes, the focus is on the heavy bag.Working out with heavy bags helps develop accuracy in aiming punches, trains the feet â€" footwork is extremely important. It also builds endurance.If your child shows no interest in boxing, perhaps muay thai would appeal more.Thai boxing, intriguingly nicknamed ‘the art of eight limbs’ is a combat sport that has recently gained popularity in western fighting circles.It involves the use of knees, shins and elbows along with the fists. Combatants wear no padding save for standard boxing protection such as mouth guards and gloves.Naturally, while your child trains, s/he will wear shin guards and elbow pads.UFC Gym provides train ing in a wide array of combat sports including Brazilian jiu-jitsu, kickboxing, wrestling and mixed martial arts, for youths as well as adults.Also discover how kids in Liverpool get in shape...This summer, help your kids learn discipline and stay fit with kids' martial arts Image by Marvin Rheinheimer from Pixabaysession at the gym, you may join them for a social outing; perhaps you might even attend a boxing event together.Do Glasgow Universities have such a boxing programme?White-Collar BoxingLet’s face it: constantly getting battered about the face and body is punishing, no matter how well you guard yourself.The nature of the sport allows even the best boxers only a relatively short career, and even then only after having trained for years.If you are jumping into boxing in your mid-twenties, it would be difficult to project a lucrative career as a prizefighter and even harder to imagine you might win a title.Not impossible, just hard to imagine, especially with the concerns of everyday life to contend with: still mired in academia or just beginning a burgeoning career, family obligations, possibly a steady partner...Rocky Balboas do not stand on every street corner... but there is a bit of a fighter in all of us, isn’t there?For these reasons, white-collar boxing is becoming a spectacle in boxing gyms everywhere.It all started in the 1980s, in New York City, when the owner of Gleason’s Gym organised informal fights between regular gym members.Both men and women competed and the event was such a success that it became a monthly contest.As word of the matches spread, boxing promoter Alan Lacey took over the sport’s organisation and scheduling and the rest, as they say, is history.Did you know Leeds has a history of bare knuckle fighting?White-collar boxing made its way to the UK when a group of Wall Street bankers competed at the Broadgate Arena in London.Is that the only place you could see professional boxing in London?Extensive press coverage of t he event generated massive interest on our shores; so much so that, today, white-collar boxing is indeed a thing, with gyms across the country promoting events.Have you always harboured dreams of being a professional boxer... and has life gotten in the way?Through white-collar boxing, you can at least satisfy your desire to enter the boxing ring and go a few rounds in front of frenzied spectators.The best place to train and compete is Noble Art Boxing.They have scheduled their next event for November and, in anticipation of a great turnout, they are offering free boxing training to anyone interested in competing in the event, starting in September.How would that work?First, your personal trainer will engage you in a total body workout and interval training so you can attain peak fitness and endurance.Next, you will learn boxing techniques: footwork, self defense skills and delivering quality punches.Speed, rhythm, timing and style â€" these are all skills that you will hone the more you train under the watchful eye of your boxing mentor. Interested?If you have long been a fan of the film Fight Club and can see the point of venting stress and tension in a healthy way, it is time to turn the DVD player off and turn yourself into a fighting machine!Did you know that Nottingham has a history with white-collar boxing?Developing mental toughness is a key part of boxer training Image by David Mark from PixabayNothing but Boxing, PleaseA lot of gyms, fitness centres and dojos promote a lot of fitness training related to boxing, such as kickboxing, martial arts training and krav maga â€" a highly effective self-defence discipline.You can’t really blame them for capitalising on today’s personal fitness craze...But if you are a boxing purist, meaning you only want to learn and practise the ancient art of boxing, there is only one place for you: the Welsh Amateur Boxing Association.Their website deals exclusively in boxing: amateur boxing guidelines and rule changes, profiles of their elite boxers and where you can find a boxing club near you.What you will not find is a list of fitness classes, places to buy protective gear or tips on how to throw a punch.For all of its seeming savagery, boxing, in its purest form, is an ancient art that, still today enjoys consistent popularity.Variations of boxing such as kickboxing and fitness boxing serve to heighten the sport’s profile among fighters who wouldn’t normally be associated with it, such as women, children and general fitness enthusiasts.If you’ve been playing with group fitness classes but they don’t quite do it for you, you might consider finding a boxing trainer.As you learn how to box, you’ll find that you’re working muscle groups that don’t normally get much attention in a standard aerobic workout. In fact, you'll find your boxing workout will maximise core strength without having to do a bunch of situps or planks.Private training in a boxing gym will provide you with individu alised instruction tailored to your specific needs and fitness goals. It will also provide you with a healthy boost of self-confidence.Having to give up on being Floyd Mayweather might be difficult but finding boxing workouts in Cardiff is not.Now, let’s see that left hook...  And so, the boxing fitness craze sweeps around the country.Now learn about Edinburgh University's boxing team...

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Are you leading or following change - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Are you leading or following change - Introvert Whisperer Are you leading or following change? It’s funny how myths or urban legend turn into beliefs. These myths cover everything from mysteries to people. Among the stories we tell each, is the story about making Change. As a Leader, it’s important to know and understand how to Manage Change and Transition along with the myths many people believe. More importantly is what the truth is. Myth #1 â€" People are resistant to change.   Absolutely not true. We make changes from the day that we’re born to the day we die. We don’t just change as we age we change our lifestyle, education level, jobs, relationship status, and friends. The list goes on. Certainly, in the workplace change is a way of life and people do have to deal with those demands. Myth #2 â€" If you can make a good logical argument, people will change.   Wrong. If logic worked no one would smoke, do drugs or be in abusive relationships. Unfortunately, the groups that try to curb those behaviors seem to think that works but logic is not what moves people to change anything. Myth #3 â€" If people in a group think a change will work, the change will go well.     There is more to making a change than the democracy of a good idea. Myth #4 â€" There are some things that should never change.   We might like to think that but nothing ever stays the same no matter how hard we try to keep it that way. Myth #5 â€" If people are unhappy or angry about a change, it means it’s a bad change.   No, not true. All people going through change experience an emotional reaction called Transition. Part of that emotional reaction is a mix of emotions ranging from anxiety or anger to excitement. It can be a  confusing way to feel, but it’s very natural. It’s important to help educate and manage transition just like any process or system change. Leading change or being a leader is one of the most rewarding things that you can do. If you’re ready for a promotion or to take you to the next level, you owe it to yourself to check out “Lead Like You Mean It” Leadership Development Program”. Enrollment is limited so act quickly while there are still openings: CLICK HERE NOW TO CHECK OUT THIS EXCITING NEW PROGRAM- Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.  Grab yours by visiting here right now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

How Transformational Leadership Bolsters Introverts - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How Transformational Leadership Bolsters Introverts - Introvert Whisperer How Transformational Leadership Bolsters Introverts Transformational leadership is all about teamwork and motivation. It’s a theory of leadership that throws away micromanagement and celebrates employees of all personality types. Transformational leaders follow by example and work in tandem with their team â€" not hovering above it. This type of leadership strengthens the talents of introverted employees based on its theory that each employee requires something different from their management team. Introverts will work better under this type of management because it plays to their strengths. This approach demonstrates the understanding that differences between individuals are not weaknesses. Whereas traditional management styles may focus more on extroverted personality types, transformational leadership works to help each employee flourish in their own way. Establishing Trust Transformational leadership styles make employees feel like their coworkers, managers, and the company as a whole are in this together. Everyone may have different roles, but everyone is doing this for the same reason. It’s a leadership style that focuses on being authentic, creating harmony, and establishing an ethical climate. With a culture of acceptance and understanding, introverted employees feel a trust for their company that they may not feel in other settings. Transformational leaders may have their employees take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment in order to help them understand their personality and how they best function in the workplace. They may provide different types of training options and show flexibility with working styles in order to establish trust with each employee. Trust is an important aspect in a company because it sets the tone for the way employees will work for their company. Employees who have distrust in their company aren’t as motivated. They won’t go above and beyond or take the risks needed to create something innovative. It’s impossible for employees to feel like a part of a team when the leaders of a company haven’t established trust with them. For introverts who are naturally more cautious, this trust is vital. Those in leadership positions looking to implement this style can do so by including their employees in the change they want to see. Open up brainstorms and discussions so that everyone can help transform their company. Be transparent and work to diversify your management style. Know that if there is a trust issue with your employees, it’s up to you to work to gain it back â€" not them. Encourage suggestions for change, then actually implement their ideas into your company. Leading by Example Transformational leadership is about jumping in and helping instead of barking orders and viewing the workload from a distance. This helps establish trust and increase respect as leaders lead by example. It enables managers to be more empathetic to their employees and their experiences with their respective workloads. When leaders help shoulder the workload, employees are more motivated to create something special. As a result, projects are more successful. Having a manager who leads by example is helpful for introverted employees, especially those who thrive in meaningful relationships with others instead of entertaining forced interactions. Introverted employees will feel a closer relationship to their managers which can help them to work better overall. If a company wants their employees to view each other as a part of one team â€" like everyone is committed in the bigger picture â€" they have to lead by example. Employees can tell when their managers are making decisions for their own bottom line instead of making decisions for the good of everyone. Without leading by example, employees wont feel safe enough to sacrifice their own self-interests for the good of the company, either. As a transformational leader, leading by example means shifting your duties and mindset with each decision each day. If you want employees who work hard, you have to work hard as well. Don’t merely supervise their work; jump in and complete some yourself. This is a concrete way to show transformational leadership to your employees. A Focus on Employees A strong employee focus is one of the staples in transformational leadership. Introverts often feel undervalued at work because they aren’t comfortable with highlighting their own achievements, which is often what sets an employee apart from the rest. This can come off as uncaring or cold, which can put an introvert’s job in danger. The opposite is often true, and many introverts care deeply for their work and job performance. With transformational leadership, management’s focus on employees will showcase the personality of an introvert much more naturally. This focus on managing people instead of numbers helps to build a culture of motivation and productivity that other leadership styles won’t get. Productive and committed employees are highly valuable, and transformational leaders help to cultivate that. There are many ways to focus on employees and foster the strengths of each individual. Having one-on-one meetings with each team member can help to build a rapport with them, which is a great aspect of leadership for introverted employees who do best in on-on-one situations. Encourage them to be candid, talk about the training they need, and be flexible in the tasks they dont excel at. Transformational leadership means throwing away the idea that each position has to be identical and embracing the idea that the duties of a position can shift with the strengths of each employee. Culture of Creativity Each person is inspired in different ways. Introverts often find their creative inspiration from within, which can make collaboration difficult. However, transformational leadership encourages employees to think critically and promote change that will allow the company to evolve together â€" no matter how they are able to tap into those ideas. This freedom and understanding helps each employee to feel more creative and comfortable with innovation. A culture of fear and unnecessary competition stifles creativity and risk. Encouragement and acceptance helps creativity flourish. Employees shouldn’t be forced to believe in their company’s message or met with hostility when they question things. Instead, they ought to be free to make their own decisions, have opinions, and take as much of a role in the message of the group as anyone else. This ideology in transformational leadership is one that celebrates creativity, even if it sometimes fails. Improving Mentorship Introverts are most socially comfortable in intimate settings with a few people. They prefer making deep connections over group settings where discussions are much more general or superficial. Transformational leadership makes room for mentorship, which is a great option to help support and strengthen introverted employees. Adaptability can be difficult for introverts in a business setting, but one-on-one support can help. Mentorship offers growth and training that not only helps each employee but also the company as a whole. One-on-one training is one way that a transformational leader works to help educate employees in ways that work for their learning style, instead of forcing employees to conform to a set standard. Better employees make for a better company, and transformational leadership accomplishes that. Creating a mentorship program is one way to help with transformational leadership theory. This can be done with managers or between employees, but the idea is to encourage teamwork and change. It’s a way to celebrate strengths in employees while offering training for others. For introverts, this is a great way to provide further training in a way that they will feel the most comfortable. Introverts are great employees for so many reasons. They are great listeners, extremely loyal, committed to the things they believe in, independent workers, and creative employees. Transformational leadership is one leadership style that works to help those attributes shine, instead of stifling them under blanket expectations for all employees. This leadership theory establishes trust, forces managers to lead by example, has a focus on the employees of a business, encourages creativity, and improves mentorship between managers and employees. Whereas other leadership styles cater to one type of employee, transformational leadership caters to all of them, which it’s why it a style that helps introverts shine. Author Bio: Sam Bowman  is a freelance writer and introvert who enjoys getting to utilize the internet for the community without actually having to leave his house. In his spare time, he likes running, reading, and combining the two in a run to his local bookstore. Image Source: Pixabay Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.  Grab yours by visiting here right now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

SAT Math Topics 5 Tips on What You Need to Know Before You Go - Private Tutoring

SAT Math Topics 5 Tips on What You Need to Know Before You Go Anna L Nov 1, 2018 Find a Top Rated SAT Math Tutor Near You! It's Simple and Secure - Get Real Results Fast. Find Expert Private Tutors at Reasonable Rates Today! InPerson or Online Online InPerson Want to know what are the new SAT math topics? The math section of the SAT is designed to test your knowledge on problem solving, critical thinking, modeling, algebraic functions and using tools strategically. Seems like pretty broad concepts doesn’t it? Don’t worry, this is your definitive guide on the exact SAT math review topics that are currently being covered. By the end of this article you will know what math is on the new SAT, and how to review for it effectively! SAT Math Review The SAT math topics are about getting real. The good news is that the SAT doesn’t test you on every single math topic you have ever had studied. Feel free to breathe a sight of relief. Instead, it selects areas deemed the most relevant in college courses and careers. The SAT Math test focuses on areas that play a large role in colleges and a variety of careers, therefore applying real world math. These focus areas are: Heart of Algebra â€" create, manipulate and solve algebraic equations. These questions center around linear equations â€" equations that involve two variables that change as stated by a consistent pattern. Problem Solving and Data Analysis â€" is all about being quantitatively literate. These questions require you to create and use a model, as well as understanding the difference between the model predictions and actual data collected. Passport to Advance Math â€" includes questions that require the manipulation of complex equations and functions that are typically needed in STEM-based careers. On top of these areas, the test also covers additional key concepts that don’t fall into any of the above categories. These include coordinate geometry, basic trigonometry, area and volume. 5 Ways to Review the SAT Math Topics 1. Know how to complete grid in questions Students are often given advice to learn the style of questions and the format of the test. But what does this mean when it comes to the SAT?   In the SAT math section there are multiple choice questions and grid-in questions. Answering multiple choice questions are fairly straightforward â€" simply select the answer you think is correct. Grid-in questions are different. These are questions where you are going to have to come up with the correct answer on your own.   Dont ask me why grid in is the terms used, I dont have that answer! 20% of the questions on the SAT math test are grid-in questions so it’s definitely worth your while to understand how they are answered. You are given the instructions for the grid-in answers, but reading them can waste a lot of time. Instead, familiarize yourself with the instructions on practice tests â€" the instructions are the same. This allows you to spend more time thinking about your answers on test day. 2. Become familiar with the provided formula sheet Many students breathe a sigh of relief when they hear they don’t have to learn every single formula. But that doesn’t mean you can rest easy. You still need to know when to use each formula. Even knowing where the formulas are located on the sheet will save you valuable time. Have the sheet available during every single revision session and refer to it regularly. Pin it somewhere for you to study on a regular basis â€" a mirror, the refrigerator, or on the back of the bathroom door! 3. Work backwards Sometimes it’s easier to start by looking at the multiple choice answers available. You may be lucky enough to rule out a couple of options straight away, but if not, try putting the various options into the equation. This tactic has potential to actually be more time consuming, so may not be ideal for every question, but it’s certainly a good one to have in your bag of tricks. 4. Use the daily practice app The College Board not only provides official practice tests, but also an app to help track your progress. You will receive a question each day with hints and explanations. It’s a great way to maintain your math skills and to remind you to keep preparing for your math SAT! 5. Make the most of other subjects It may come as no surprise that you use math skills in a variety of subjects. Because the SAT math section has such a focus on real world math, subjects such as science and social science are incredibly relevant. Apply your math knowledge in these subjects and you are unknowingly preparing yourself for the SAT math test. Any questions that involve data analysis, graphs, percentages, ratios and tables are useful in preparation for the SAT. Topics Covered in the New Math SAT As you have already learned, the math SAT covers three main topics, with anything leftover categorized under additional math. This section will give you a SAT math topics breakdown, providing you with a thorough understanding of exactly what math is on the SAT. Heart of Algebra In this section, questions are focused around equations based on real-world topics such as distance, speed, mass, volume or everyday financial topics. Questions may ask you to; Solve linear equations and linear inequalities Interpret linear functions Answer equation word problems Graph linear equations Solve linear function word problems Solve systems of linear equations Answering these questions may require you to; Use multiple steps to simplify an expression or equation Select a graph that shows an algebraic equation that you saw in Algebra 1 course or Algebra 2. or choose the equation that describes a graph Indicate how a graph would be affected by a change in its equation You Might Also Be Interested in: How to Study Math: 35 Math Tips You Should Know Problem Solving and Data Analysis In this section, questions revolve around the application of ratios, percentages, and proportional reasoning. Weve come up with a collection of more topics and what might be asked of you below: Ratios, rates, percentages, units, and proportions â€" solve multi-step problems with a given ratio, rate, percentage or unit. You will also need to know how to calculate ratios, rates, percentages and units using the information provided. Table data and data inferencesâ€" analyze the data presented on a table and use it to answer questions Scatterplots â€" select the best equation to fit various scatterplots. Graphs and tables â€" understand and identify key features, as well as summarizing and evaluating the data presented in them Data collection and conclusions â€" determine whether data collection methods are accurate and reliable Statistics determine mean, median, mode, range, and/or standard deviation Passport to Advanced Math Students who are interested in STEM-based careers will need to pay particular attention to these type of questions. They involve complex equations and functions, and focus on the following areas; Solving quadratic equations Interpreting nonlinear expressions Quadratic and exponential word problems Radicals and rational exponents Operations with rational expressions and polynomials Polynomial factors and graphs Nonlinear equation graphs Linear and quadratic systems Structure in expressions Isolating quantities Functions Now that you are familiar with the new SAT math topics you can go ahead and prepare easily and aim to get the results that you need for schools! Always remember that the SAT math exam is only covering information that youve already learned.   So prepping and taking some time to review the material will help to refresh your memory and remember how to quickly and accurately complete problems in these areas. Remember to work hard and apply yourself, the rest is easy!We can help you find the best private tutor near you! It’s simple and secure â€" Get real results fast. 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Present Continuous For a Good Cause

English Future Forms Will/Present Simple/Present Continuous For a Good Cause Language Over Internet and Skype English Classes wants to bring you interesting English lessons that help you learn English and hopefully something even more than just grammar. We are even happier when we can give you a lesson that helps you learn English and has the potential of helping other peoples lives. So this is a lesson about a charity organization and about the future. What will our worlds future look like?Watch the Video and do the listening exercises: Your birthday ______change that.What do the Bayaca people know?This September Charity: Water _______ four years old.We___ fly back to drill the first well of the campaign live on our anniversary.Now Read the Article:Charity: water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. 100% of public donations directly fund water projects.It’s hard not to think about water today. In the western world, we face growing concerns about our stewardship of the world’s most precious r esource. There’s talk of shortages, evidence of reservoirs and aquifers drying up, and of course, plenty of people who simply don’t care.But forget about us.Most of us have never really been thirsty. We’ve never had to leave our houses and walk 5 miles to fetch water. We simply turn on the tap, and water comes out. Clean. Yet there are a billion people on the planet who don’t have clean water.It’s hard to imagine what a billion people looks like really, but one in eight might be easier. One in eight people in our world don’t have access to the most basic of human needs. Something we can’t imagine going 12 hours without.Here, we’d like to introduce you to a few of those billion people. They are very real, and they need our help. They didn’t choose to be born into a village where the only source of water is a polluted swamp. And we didn’t choose to be born in a country where even the homeless have access to clean water and a toilet.We invite you to put yourself in their shoes. Follow them on their daily journey. Carry 80 pounds of water in yellow fuel cans. Dig with their children in sand for water. Line up at a well and wait 8 hours for a turn.Now, make a decision to help. We’re not offering grand solutions and billion dollar schemes, but instead, simple things that work. Things like freshwater wells, rainwater catchments and sand filters. For about $20 a person, we know how to help millions.Start by helping one.Now look at the grammar and do the grammar exercises. Present SimpleWe use the present simple for scheduled events in the future. Generally used with date and/or times.For timetables (planes, buses, TV programs etc.)For people if their plans are fixed by a time. (hotel reservations, dinner reservations, meetings, etc.)Make two sentences in present simple about Charity: Water.2.Present Continuous (to be +going+infinitive verb)We use the present continuous for plans that have already been arranged. These do not have date and times.T ravel plans, plans for tomorrow, the weekend.*Note that we can drop going and use the shorter form of just to be + verbing.Make two sentences in Present Continuous about Charity: Water.3.Will-FutureWe use will for decisions made at the moment. I’ll go pick them up since it is raining.Offers. I’ll do the dishes.Predictions. It’ll rain tomorrow, for sure.Anything uncertain (maybe, possibly, I think, I hope, etc.) I’ll probably call when I get to the hotel.Something in the future that cannot be changed. There’ll be a full moon tomorrow.Make two sentences in future with will about Charity: Water.We hope you enjoyed this lesson and learned about the future both grammatically and socially. Visit Charity: Water for more.Please email us if youve got questions, or are interested in taking English classes. susana gonzalez Your birthday WILL change that. What do the Bayaca people know? THE BAYACA PEOPLE KNOW THE FOREST This September Charity: Water IS TWENTY four years old. We’LL fly back to drill the first well of the campaign live on our anniversary LOIEnglish Excellent!

Delicious Language Podcasts for Learners to Devour

Delicious Language Podcasts for Learners to Devour Delicious Language Podcasts for Learners to Devour Are you hungry for a great new way to learn language?How about a tasty learning tool you can snack on anytime?Ive got something to make your mouth water: language podcasts!That’s right. Podcasts will satisfy your craving for bite-sized but filling content in your target language. Expect your listening, pronunciation and vocabulary skills to take on a whole new flavor!Let’s check out where to find the best podcasts for your language and level, plus some great recommendations from the chef.How to Add Podcasts to Your Language ProgramThere are tons of podcasts out there, right? So how do you know which ones to add to your program?There are two main types of language podcasts and both are useful. Some podcasts are designed to teach a language. Others are podcasts  designed for native speakers of your target language.At least in the beginning, most learners will go for the first typeâ€"language education podcasts. Its  a great way to get your foundational skills in top shape.As you be come more confident, try to incorporate some authentic podcasts in your target language. Even if you don’t understand all the words, you’ll get a feel for the cadence and nuances of the language as used by native speakers.Podcasts are great for both passive and active listening.For passive listening, turn on podcasts in the background while youre on your commute or getting ready for bed. Its a low-effort way to absorb the sounds of the language. For active listening, concentrate your full attention on the podcast and take notes. You can also compile a list of the new vocabulary you hear and then try to use those words in your outside language practice.Podcasts are like snacks. They’re a brief but welcome part of any dayâ€"and there are lots of moments where they would fit right in. Devote a percentage of your daily or weekly language study time specifically to  podcast listening.Delicious Language Podcasts for Learners to DevourBelow, well give you a smorgasbord of options to find great podcasts in your target language. Then well point you to some specific podcast series in several languages.Where to Find Podcasts in Your Target LanguageI’ve got great news! It’s super simple to locate addictive language podcasts! Lets see whats on the table.TuneInTuneIn makes it possible to locate a wide range of podcasts in many languages. Its also a source for foreign language radio broadcastsâ€"which is just a little extra!There are tons of different types of podcasts and the list varies depending on the language. Music, talk, sports, spirituality, news and culture are hot topics. Just click By Language in the lefthand search bar and select your language. Youll see all the genres and podcasts that are available.Not everything is available in every language, but theres at least some content for dozens of languages, including several lesser-known ones.Theres even a whole category especially for language learning podcasts! Youll find educational podcasts for Spanish, Urdu, German, Japanese and more.FluentUFluentU is a unique option that brings you the best of both worlds: authentic audio in your target language, but supercharged with language learning tools.Youll get real-world content such as inspiring talks, interviews, news reports and more. Each audio and video clip comes with interactive captionsâ€"just click any unfamiliar word for an instant definition, visual learning aid and native pronunciation. There are also flashcards and exercises tailor-made for each clip, so you can review and remember the words when youre done watching.Best of all, you dont have to search around for content in your target language. FluentU has several programs teaching Chinese, Spanish, Russian, French and more, with content from the beginner to advanced levels. You can even branch out to media that you wouldnt find in a standard podcast, like movie trailers, music videos, hilarious YouTube clips and more.With the FluentU mobile app, you can download audio clip s to take anywhere.You can explore the full library in your target language for free with a FluentU trial.StitcherMany language learners are familiar with Stitcher. They provide news, entertainment and other audio content from across the globe with their app. Chances are that if you’re studying a language, you mayve already listened to Stitcher once or twice.Head to the International page to find authentic podcasts in your target language. Stitcher conveniently categorizes the podcasts by both language and genre, so its easy to find, say, Spanish comedy podcasts or French sports podcasts.To get a taste of culture, consider listening to podcasts about contemporary social issues, politics or the arts. It’s a great way to bring more than language into your program. Podcasts on relevant topics show us just whats going on in other parts of the world.Remember to note idioms and gritty language that might show up on this sometimes casual resource.For language learner podcasts, head to the Languages category under Stitchers Education page.Of course you can always do your own searches from the Stitcher home page. They have over 65,000 podcasts available! Honestly, I spent a while using this app and being perfectly content to hear native speakers delivering news in Spanish or Italian. But when I learned there are language education podcasts to work with as well, a whole new level to my learning opened up.iTunesiTunes is a like a language-lover’s buffetâ€"filled with lots of different choices that all look pretty good! There are so many options it can be overwhelming but don’t despair, we’ll get to the juicy parts!If you’ve never used iTunes before, click the link above to download and install the program. Then just head to the Store and click on Podcasts.To access podcasts from another country, change your country by looking at the bottom of the page for the little flag icon. Click on it, choose the flag of a country where your target language is spoken and you’re in!You’ll find podcasts on a variety of topicsâ€"all in your target language. What’s not to love?Start with one and work your way through all those that catch your interestâ€"kind of like working your way down the  buffet table, if you know what I mean!LanguagePod101The LanguagePod101 program is designed to take language learners from beginning to advanced using a series of podcasts. It’s available in 34 languages!The podcast lessons focus on introducing essential communication skills  in a fun, natural format. Dialogues are set up using native speakers so youll hear proper pronunciation. Most dialogues include cultural information on entertaining, informative issues that bring the learning potential even higher!There are some great supplemental learning features with this resource. Use the line-by-line transcript feature to read and listen to the dialogue at your own pace. Youll also get PDF lesson notes, vocabulary flashcards and more.Check out the podcasts for:Span ishFrenchGermanChineseRussianJapaneseItalianPortugueseKoreanPlayerFMPlayerFM has a page strictly for podcasts for language learners! Honestly, I browse the site and feel like I’m looking at a dessert cart in a fancy restaurant. I want to taste everything.With podcasts on endless subjects in a dozen languages it’s no wonder I’m feeling the sugar rush. The awesome part of it all is that theres so much to choose fromâ€"such a variety of topicsâ€"that nearly every language-learning issue is addressed in this one spot.If you’re struggling with grammar or just need pronunciation practice, choose a podcast and get to work. If getting down to learning is an issue, there are even podcasts to help motivate learners.It’s possible to set up subscriptions based on your favorite topics so if you’re still feeling overwhelmed by all the excellent content, let PlayerFM do the choosing! Theyll provide personalized recommendations and all you’ve got to do is sit back, listen and learn!An yPod on AlexaDo you have Alexa, Amazon’s cloud-based virtual assistant, in the house? If you do, you probably already know she’s a total know-it-all (in a non-annoying sort of way!), but did you realize she’s also got the skinny on bringing you some fabulous language podcasts?It’s true! There’s an app called  AnyPod that enables Alexa to play podcasts.Once you add AnyPod to Alexa’s skills, just say, “Alexa, open AnyPod.” After she greets you, tell her what podcast you’d like to hear and she does the rest!There are thousands of podcasts to choose from so search until you find one in your target language that sounds interesting. If you want to check out whats available before getting AnyPod, search for your target language on this page.Hint: if you want to hear something a second (or even a third) time, just ask Alexa to rewind. It’s a great way to practice pronunciation, take notes on the topic or just jot down new vocabulary words.Tasting Menu! Great Language Edu cation Podcasts to TryTo whet your appetite, here are some tasty language learning podcasts for several major languages you might be interested in.30 Minute ItalianThis Italian learner podcast is for those who enjoy small, concise, entertaining bites of information. Their topics cover almost everything, from speed dating to holidays.Its very enjoyable, especially in the gym. When everyone else is scowling, I often find myself smiling!Russian Made EasyRussian Made Easy is a series of podcasts that teaches the language from a beginning level.  They provide a  transcript of every podcast episode, so if you miss a word or want to review, all the material is readily accessible.Learn French by PodcastLearn French by Podcast is filled with dynamic content and is worthwhile for any French learner. There are beginner, intermediate and advanced episodesâ€"and the topics cover everything from table manners to politics.LightSpeed SpanishThis podcast is a must for Spanish lovers. There are tons of episodes available for every level.Many are topic-specific and the topics are sorted according to learning level, which makes scanning them and choosing what to hear effortless.Japanese Bilingual NewsJapanese Bilingual News features two hostsâ€"friendsâ€"who basically just chat. Youll hear unscripted conversations where one of them speaks in English and the other speaks in Japanese. They have guest interviews, talk about current news and various topicsâ€"almost whatever comes to mind is open for discussion with this pair!Talk to Me in KoreanThis entertaining Korean learner podcast includes everything from jokes to information on securing employment. The content is relevant and timely, and perfect for Korean learners!Popup ChinesePopup Chinese beginner-level podcasts are for those who aren’t easily offended. Theyre very useful especially for getting the basics down. Just be aware they aren’t all G-rated and some content is a bit “gritty.”Slow GermanThe Slow German podcast series presents German culture and history in a straightforward manner. Fairytales are also part of their lineup. Some podcasts are for absolute beginners while many are intermediate level.All Ears EnglishThe All Ears English Podcast features speakers from the U.S. cities of Boston and New York. It offers a glimpse into American culture for intermediate to advanced learners. They provide exposure to idioms, expressions and give advice on making “small talk.”Podcasts definitely spice up a language learning program. And remember, all sorts of language listeningâ€"even the fun stuff, like podcasts!â€"adds to your skillset.They’re like potato chips. Try one and get hooked. Then devour a bunch for fun, fast and entertaining language learning.Your skills will increase with each episodeâ€"but I promise, your waistline is safe!

5 Tips to Tackle the Foreign Language Notebook and Keep Yourself Motivated

5 Tips to Tackle the Foreign Language Notebook and Keep Yourself Motivated 5 Tips to Tackle the Foreign Language Notebook and Keep Yourself Motivated Demand evidence.Without tangible evidence that what youre doing is working, motivation is hard.When you start to lose weight, youre motivated to continue when your clothes fit a little looser and the numbers on the scale go down.And you know exactly what to do to continue the trendâ€"eat well and exercise.Learning a language is decidedly more difficult.The evidence isnt as easy to come by, and theres so much to do to make progress.Thats where a foreign language notebook comes in handy. Why Should You Keep a Foreign Language Notebook?You may be asking yourself: Why would I want to take the time to set up a notebook?  I could use other resources to practice and learn?Here are some of the most important reasons why this particular learning resource is so handy:Keep up with your progressThis is the main idea behind a language notebook. The notebook will allow you to see the progress you’ve made. Let’s say you want to be able to write a letter in French. This is the perfect place to do it. So, you write the best letter you can. During the process, questions arise and you look at some of the aspects of letter writing that give you the most trouble.You focus on improving by writing more letters, emails or other correspondence. At the end of the month, youve written 15 letters. Now go back and look at that first letter. Where have you improved? What do you know now that gave you such a hard time at the beginning? This can be just as motivating as seeing the scale go down!Create a single space dedicated to the new languageWhen youre trying to reach fluency in another language, learning can sometimes be sporadic. New words might pop up throughout the day or a question may arise during your commute. Put all the information on those scraps of paper or Post-its in one placeâ€"your notebook. Rewriting this information and  reorganizing your notes is a great way to move information into your long-term memory.Its also important to mention that if youre learning multiple languages (good for you!), then you need multiple notebooks. This will help with compartmentalizationâ€"so when your Portuguese notebook is out, youre only focused on it!It’s a place to practice new vocabulary, grammar and writingAlthough the work you do in your foreign language notebook will positively affect all areas of language learning, its a great place to specifically target essential writing skills. Written communication is just as important as oral communication, and to truly master a language you need to be able to write it.Have places in your notebook where you can address tricky grammar rules and where you can draft longer paragraphs utilizing new vocabulary and grammar. When you need to reference that rule again, its easily accessible!It’s tailored to youUnlike an app or online course where someone else has set up the lessons, you get to be your own teacher. By no means do you have to set up elaborate lesson plans, but you do get to set up the notebook in a way that works best for you.Are you an educator learning Spanish? You can have a place in your notebook dedicated to that vocabulary. Going to China for business? Think about what youll need to be successful. You might find that having a space for cultural and social norms is just as valuable as having an area for vocabulary.Well discuss this in more detail later on in the post, but the content of the notebook is completely up to you! Whatever youre lacking, you can design a notebook to meet those needs.It’s privateNo one else has to see your notebook. It’s the equivalent of your teenage diaryâ€"you can record your mistakes and your progress, then look back on previous pages without judgement.It’s motivatingWeve already discussed the importance of motivation while learning. Along with allowing us to measure our progress, a foreign language notebook can also encourage us to keep going by providing a creative outlet.Your notebook can be as colorful and fun as you want it to be. Feel fre e to add pictures, positive quotes or color-coding to your hearts content. Many of us have little tchotchkes on our desks to keep us going, like a favorite pen or a souvenir from that trip to Italy. Your notebook can serve that same purpose.Anyone can do itAnyone at any level can start a foreign language notebook. If youre at the beginning of your language-learning journey, a notebook will help you lay the foundation of your new skills.The more advanced learner might find their notebook with only a couple of sections dedicated to new vocabulary, grammar structures or more nuanced components of the target language. Thats the beauty of it! No matter where you are in your studies, you can use a notebook to your advantage.5 Tips to Tackle the Foreign Language Notebook and Keep Yourself Motivated1. Find the right notebook for youAs we talked about before, the beauty of keeping a foreign language notebook is how customizable it is. You choose what kind of notebook you want to use and set it up however youd like. Your language notebook can be as simple or complex as it needs to be. You can create it to have a strict design with lists or have a loose structure.Now you may be wondering, where do I find the time to set up and use a notebook for my foreign language? Youre not alone! If the idea of setting up a notebook is overwhelming, you could order a  foreign language notebook online.If you already have some ideas in mind but would like to see more examples, check out YouTube to see how others have organized their notebooks  to give you some ideas.Planning is an important part of choosing the right notebook. So once you have an idea of how big or small youll need it to be, you can better decide what you need. You can use a plain, lined notebook  or repurpose an old binder and fill it with notebook paper. Or, if you just want to give a language notebook a try but need a place to begin, you can find language worksheets on the internet and use your notebook as a place to house those.2. Divide your notebook into sections: vocabulary lists, grammar practice, writingBy dividing up your notebook into sections, youre designating spaces to focus on different goals and concepts. Having a space for vocabulary, grammar and writing practice is a good place to begin because theyre the fundamentals of language fluency.Keeping a list of vocabulary helps you track which words you struggle with and words youve memorized. You can create an alphabetical list or segment words by categories, such as food or telling time.Similarly, keeping a section for grammar concepts gives you something to refer to when you forget a specific structure, and a writing section is a great place to practice those vocabulary and grammar skills.How many pages youll want per section is up to you, but dividing a notebook into three equal sections is a good place to start. Use sticky tabs to divvy up the pages into these three main sections. Experiment with color codingâ€"differentiating top ics with color can be especially helpful to visual learners.After a while, or if you think you need room for more sections, you could add a space for more complex vocabulary lists or a thesaurus-like section where you list words with similar meanings, which can be helpful when writing.3. Find creative writing ideasStruggling to come up with what to write?Here are some ideas to jump-start your practice:Write letters or emails to friends and family.Write a few diary entries.Review your favorite books, movies, shows, recipes or restaurants.Create dialogues using new vocabulary or grammar structures with different scenarios.Plan a dinner menu.Write a magazine article.Create a make-believe travel journal.Use the writing section of your notebook to write whatever you want, but its a good idea to keep it varied. Its like using different equipment at the gym, working different muscles makes you stronger overall. Writing creatively makes your language skills stronger, allowing you to use new vocabulary words and grammar.4. Write down goalsUse the notebook to write down goals for yourself in the target language. You might even create a section dedicated to goals and check the goals off once theyve been reached.Think about what you want to achieve. How many sentences do you want to be able to write? What kind of writing do you want to do? What new words do you want to be able to use? Which grammar concepts do you need to master?Set up a series of goals, each one getting bigger or harder as you go along. For example, challenge yourself every couple of weeks to write for a longer period of time without using a dictionary. This way, youre forcing yourself to focus and challenging yourself to be imaginative with the language.5. Create a system to reward yourself when you reach a goalSet up a reward system for yourself. Since youre recording your goals, youll know when youve achieved them. Its important for you to recognize how far youve come!A reward  could be something as s imple and childish as fun stickers  or new stationary. Maybe youre keeping a list of foreign movies to watch in your notebook, so now would be a good time to reward yourself by watching one!Completing a goal and moving onto the next one means youre moving forward with using the language. It may not be as fun as seeing the scale go down, but its just as motivating!To sum it all up: Your individual language journey should be customized to you.A foreign language notebook is a practical and useful tool for the serious language learner to personalize their learning experience.So, go get one!And One More ThingFind motivation for your language learning creativity in FluentU. FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that real people speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos, like movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse Sc reenFluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover over or tap on the subtitles to instantly view definitions.FluentU Interactive TranscriptsYou can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs quiz mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.